Dr. Eshele Williams has a B.A. from California State University, Long Beach in Human Development, a M.A. from Pacific Oaks College in Marriage Family Child Counseling and a PsyD. from Phillips Graduate University. As a Dr. of Psychology in Organizational Management and Consulting and Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist she has dedicated her career to supporting children, families and organizations in multiple capacities. Her work in the child welfare field includes experience as a professor, researcher, curriculum developer, writer, parenting program coordinator, health team coordinator for children with the chronic illness (Sickle Cell disease), public speaker, trainer/educator and adoption support program project coordinator.

Now Available in
English and Spanish
If you are a foster family --- licensed, certified, or approved by a child welfare agency to take care of children when their birth parents cannot - then this little treasure is a must-read for you and the children in your family who are born to you. "But Mommy, Our Last Name Isn't Foster" explains the feelings behind the words that help children understand a unique way of being a family --- a foster family. With warm words and poignant pictures, Dr. Williams' uses her lived experience to shine a sensitive light on this unique way of being a family. "Our last name isn't foster...." is a must-share for all families planning to or currently fostering. -- Eileen Mayers Pasztor, DSW, Professor Emerita, School of Social Work, California State University, Long Beach and proud foster and adoptive parent.

Maryland CASA
Foster Together Network
Child Welfare League of America
National Foster Parent Association
Foster and Adoptive Parents of Maine
El Camino College
Pacific Oaks College
North American Council on Adoptable Children
QPI Nevada Just In Time Training
Creating A Family

Author Professor Educator